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Everson Guild

Everson Guild

Everson was a young man who participated in many different activities. He was willing to try ALL the things, and was always uniquely himself. While in Middle School he was involved with football, wrestling, track and field, band, student council, quiz bowl, PALS and also was able to be on the cast of Curious Crew at WKAR PBS in East Lansing. He was not the smartest kid in class ( A/B student - but did receive his first C in French as an 8th grader - to which he wasn't very happy with). He was not always the quietest - as he often would be told to quit "blurting". He wasn't always the most liked, as he did feel like he was bullied on occasion. But what he was, was so much more.

Everson was a bridge connecting different social groups, a connector for those who didn't know where they belonged, and 100% true to himself. For spirit week, it was dress for the decades, and he went all in. He decided he wanted to be a 50's greaser - so he wore jeans rolled up, with a T-shirt, black leather jacket and actually put Cristco in his hair to slick it back! For Halloween, kids couldn't dress up, so he chose to wear a sweatshirt to school, that once he put the hat on, he became sriracha! Which reminds me, he really liked spicy food - and would try any and all of it! At his funeral, there were a LOT of brave young boys and girls who spoke of the impact he made in their lives. He was a lot of people's first friends. He would see the kid sitting by themselves, and go over to sit next to them. He helped when he saw help was needed. He wasn't perfect by any means, but his spirit showed through in all he did.